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lisa laible
film fine art photography
Light is my biggest muse… or obsession. Anywhere or at any time light influences my visual and visceral draw and I am constantly compelled to harness or capture that light.
I marvel at the smorgasbord of light I encounter in the varied places I’ve wandered, its fickle and transformative affects on its surroundings. Having lived abroad in a very vertical city, I’ve witnessed the fantastic play of light trickling down, bouncing off, reflecting, defining; and how it can compose or alter an experience. In most of my photos, it’s the layers of the encounter which have grabbed me.
I shoot in 35mm, appreciative of the depth and tangibility of film which lends itself to revealing a real and sometimes-slightly-flawed nature of things.
I am equally awed by light’s play on a suburban street as well as a far eastern alley.
- LL
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